13 Ocak 2015 Salı

The Field Of Justice

The Field Of Justice
Have you ever played a MOBA game, or do you even not know what  MOBA game is ? MOBA means Multiplayer Online Battle Arena. As you can understand  from the definition this game type lets you play as a team with internet connection. Nowadays there are a lot of MOBA games and they are really popular.

People of all ages  from all countries play games with passion. The most important parts of MOBA games are strategy and team play. You have to move as a team. In this article I will mention League of Legends which has been the most played MOBA game for 2 years.

League of Legends is developed and published by Riot Games.
The game was first announced on October 7, 2008, and released on October 27, 2009. In League of Legends players assume the role of a character, called a ”champion”  with unique abilities, battling with a team against other player or computer-controlled champions. Each team’s goal is to destroy other team’s base, called “nexus”.The game contains 9 different server options  for each player(Brazil, EU-Nordic & East, EU West, Latin America North, Latin America South, North America, Oceania, Russia, Turkey). Every player controls a champion. As 16th of November 2014 there are 121 different champions.

 The map is divided into 3 different lanes (Top, Mid, Bottom) and jungle (the area between lanes). In these lanes players have different roles.
Top Lane: Players try to pick tanky champions who can keep the damage on itself and stay much longer alive.

 Mid Lane: In this lane, players mostly prefer Ability Power Carry champions who can deal damage as ability power with abilities. But they can also pick Attack Damage champions too. It depends on what player wants to play.

 Bottom Lane: Bottom lane includes two different roles(Attack Damage Carry, Support).
For Attack Damage Carry role, players use the ranged champions who can deal physical damage.
For Support role, players try to pick the support champion who can help much better to their AD carries.
ungle: It is the most flexible role in League of Legends. Players pick whatever they want. But in these days players mostly pick assasin champions or tanky champions for this role.

No matter what your champion or role is, the strategical battle arena is waiting for you. Step into the arena now and take part in the combats filled with fast paced game sessions!

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