10 Ocak 2015 Cumartesi


Chaos Heroes Online is a MOBA based on one of the original DoTA mods, Dota: Chaos. The game features a familiar 3-lane map, but incorporates new mechanics geared towards pushing the focus towards fast paced action. A jungle is present, however minions found within are fairly basic and only provide gold. In order to lead a team to victory, players will need to destroy the opposing teams towers and base structures, leaving their special Guardian vulnerable to attack.
Each lane is guarded by towers (which regenerate over time) as well as Sentinels, which require coordinated efforts to defeat. At the start of each lane, two Barracks provide a steady stream of both ranged and melee soldiers (creeps). Like the original DoTA and DoTA 2, destroying these buildings will prevent the respective minion type from spawning.
A unique feature present in CHO is the teleport. Acting as an emergency “get out of jail free” card, the teleport instantly provides invincibility to the player as they teleport safely back to home base. While the ability does have a moderate cooldown, it does add a new element ofstrategy to each encounter. Players can also buy items and consumables from anywhere on the map, keeping the focus out in the field. Matches are also capped at around 45 minutes, which in theory should urge players to go for high-risk plays to put the match away before the timer runs out.
There is the usual free rotation of heroes, with cash shop purchases also available. Like other MOBAs, each hero is separated into distinct classes which include carries, support, casters, tanks, and fighters. Heroes are also grouped between the Divine Union and Immortal Legion and each hero is restricted to being used only within the appropriate faction.
As players progress, they will be able to craft and upgrade items which can be obtained during matches, as random rewards and events, or through the cash shop. Items can have different rarities and bonuses and it’s up to the player to tailor items to their hero and play style. Players are also be able to take on quests with varying rewards. In order to help players try out the full roster, after each time a player’s account levels up, a new hero will be free to use for three days.

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