21 Ocak 2015 Çarşamba


...Or in other words, the best show ever!

Everyone, regardless of their age, knows at least something about "Friends." Either they have watched it or they know that Jennifer Aniston is in it. However, there are many elements that contributed to "Friends" and made it the best show ever. There must be a reason why people still continue watching it after being released 20 years ago, after all!

1. The Characters
Everyone can relate to the character at some point as well as hating them at some point, too! All the characters have flaws and perfections as we all do in our real lives. If you ask people which "Friends" character is their favourite, they will probably take a few seconds to think about it or they won't be able to choose one  -they'll go back and forth.

2. The Real Life Problems
Although it is an American production, the problems the characters face are universal. Yes, the humor has always been there but the drama and the conflicts are the elements we cannot underestimate.

3. The Story Line
If, even in the tenth season, we can be curious about Ross and Rachel, then it means story line is flawless. Plus, although there is a key drama in each episode, there are minor conflicts, as well, which keep each episode dynamic and alive. That is the reason why we keep watching "Friends" over and over again!

4. Coming of Age
Don't you feel like you've grown up with the characters? Didn't you get excited while Monica and Chandler was getting married? Didn't we all feel like the characters are our real friends? That's the "coming of age together" feeling!

5. The Stars
Guest stars, of course! This show did not make only the major characters famous, but it also hosted some of the greatest stars such as Robin Williams, Bruce Willis, Sean Penn, Julia Roberts, Brad Pitt and many more. 

>> Bonus: The Quotes

Don't deny that you know every famous and important line by heart!

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