7 Şubat 2015 Cumartesi

An Ode to Game of Thrones 5th Season Trailer


Many devoted fans have already seen the official trailer of Game of Thrones Season 5. According to what I've read so far, most of them are disappointed, claiming that the new season will be dull. I, not being able to understand how they've come up with this idea only through a 2-minute trailer, have decided to discuss the details of the specific trailer.

In the very first scene, we're faced with Tywin Lanniser's coffin with Jamie standing next to it and we hear "nothing is more hateful than failing to protect the one you love."  Despite being not quite sure, I assume the voice belongs to Brienne. The tone fits her so much, however, I can't necessarily predict why she would say such a sentence. In this brief scene, we see that Cercei and Jamie look at each other with anger and somewhat hatred. As you may remember, the 4th season has started with Eddard "Ned" Stark's Valyrian sword's being melted down. If we take it as a symbol of the downfall of the House Stark, we may as well say that the funeral of Tywin signifies the downfall of the House Lannister. 

Then we see Lord Baelish, holding Sansa tightly. "There's no justice in this world. Not unless we make it." It's quite noteworthy that Baelish has abandoned "his" game and started "their" game with Sansa. Apparently, we'll witness Sansa's transformation into a powerful and a tricky Heir to the throne who knows the rules of the game. And Lord Baelish says "Avenge them!" to Sansa, which, I think, shows that he's persuading her to play along with him. I think it's his plan to rule the North through Sansa. Will they get married? Who knows...

We see Tommen and Margaery very briefly in the next scene. It's probably a wedding scene. As we all know, Margaery is highly ambitious to be "the" queen. Her ambition and Cercei's ambition will juxtapose in this season.

And then comes the most awaited man. Listening to Varys, Tyrion seems to look quite miserable in terms of appearance. However in this scene, there are two significant pieces of information: 
1- When Lord Varys suggests helping a possible heir to get the throne, we see Jon Snow, who's now the Lord Commander of the Night Watch. 
2- When Tyrion mentions a possible "male" heir, Lord Varys eliminates the idea of a man, strongly emphasizing the presence of a woman. It's Daenerys, of course.

Speaking of Daenerys, being my least favourite character, she still claims that she'll break the wheel and blah blah blah. I see no point in why she keeps travelling around while she can obviously conquer the King's Landing now that Tywin is dead and a child is on the throne. She's still boasting about the things she'll do. 

And then Melisandre comes, for the night is dark and full of dangers. She's, like Daenerys, doing the best thing she knows - burning things / people and there's a huge fire in that particular scene. I have no prediction as to what/who she burns again, however, in the 4th season, she said she'd need Stannis's daughter to initiate some kind of a ritual. It's certain that there are some filthy things going on there.

In the following scene, we see Olenna Tyrell. I can safely say that she's one of my favourite characters. She's witty, she's edgy and she's got balls of steel! However, she looks rather distressed in the specific scene. She's talking about a person whose bones will never be found but exactly who is she talking about? And then very briefly we see a mask which I think resembles Olenna herself. I hope she doesn't die in this season. Margaery will need her a lot in her power war against Cercei. 

Then, we see Arya Stark. She's now in Braavos and has left Hound behind to an unknown fate. (I don't think he's dead.) She's right in front of the Black and White House where she'll be blind. I don't know what's up with House Stark -seriously! One is crippled, and the other is going to be blind... But she's taking her "Needle" out of water, which means that she's going to hide it although she is going to get rid of every other possession of hers.

Then a mixture of brief scene comes up; war, love, marauding, Dorne. At the end of these scenes, we see Daenery's pyramid in which she rules and the huge statue is coming down so very fast. What does this statue symbolize? The downfall of Daenerys? Or the downfall or the rising of the houses in general? Unfortunately, we'll still have to wait to find the answers. Fortunately, the answers can be found once the calender shows 12.04.2015. 

Valar Morghulis!

21 Ocak 2015 Çarşamba


...Or in other words, the best show ever!

Everyone, regardless of their age, knows at least something about "Friends." Either they have watched it or they know that Jennifer Aniston is in it. However, there are many elements that contributed to "Friends" and made it the best show ever. There must be a reason why people still continue watching it after being released 20 years ago, after all!

1. The Characters
Everyone can relate to the character at some point as well as hating them at some point, too! All the characters have flaws and perfections as we all do in our real lives. If you ask people which "Friends" character is their favourite, they will probably take a few seconds to think about it or they won't be able to choose one  -they'll go back and forth.

2. The Real Life Problems
Although it is an American production, the problems the characters face are universal. Yes, the humor has always been there but the drama and the conflicts are the elements we cannot underestimate.

3. The Story Line
If, even in the tenth season, we can be curious about Ross and Rachel, then it means story line is flawless. Plus, although there is a key drama in each episode, there are minor conflicts, as well, which keep each episode dynamic and alive. That is the reason why we keep watching "Friends" over and over again!

4. Coming of Age
Don't you feel like you've grown up with the characters? Didn't you get excited while Monica and Chandler was getting married? Didn't we all feel like the characters are our real friends? That's the "coming of age together" feeling!

5. The Stars
Guest stars, of course! This show did not make only the major characters famous, but it also hosted some of the greatest stars such as Robin Williams, Bruce Willis, Sean Penn, Julia Roberts, Brad Pitt and many more. 

>> Bonus: The Quotes

Don't deny that you know every famous and important line by heart!

15 Ocak 2015 Perşembe

10 Signs That You're a Crazy Cat Person

1. Your cat has become your alarm clock.

That breakfast ain't gonna prepare itself!

2. You never close the doors at your home. NEVER!

Because there is a reason why people say "curiosity kills the cat."

3. Hair. Hair everywhere!

No matter how much you clean....

4. Your house is full of boxes. Because they're your cat's favourite!

If they fits, they sits.

5. There's no such thing as "working at home."

Or being alone.

6. Your phone is full of cat photos.

...and you just don't SHUT UP when it comes to talking about cats.

7. You have very logical conversations with your cat.

Of course, they understand us!

8. You can't be disgusted easily. 

Two words: Litter box.

9. You can't sleep unless your cat is next to you.

You wouldn't want it the other way, anyways.

10. The best spots at home belong to your cat!

Because they aren't your cat. You're their human.

13 Ocak 2015 Salı

Dota 2 HD Walpaper

Low community,no advertisement so Avalon Heroes is closed...

Avalon Heroes
 is a free tactical MMO game and a battle game with exciting online matches inspired by DotA and similar to games such as HEROES OF NEWERTH and League of Legends. In this free-to-play MMORTS and MMORPG, the player chooses his side from the two factions Oriens and Aeonia, masters up to 100 different Heroes, and plays with friends or against them. Only the best will discover the perfect strategy in Avalon Heroes.
This is a free game, requiring nothing more than a free account, and you’re able to enjoy the game after installing the client. The Battle Mode is where players can compete against the other faction and prove their worth, using their tactical expertise to overcome the enemy attacks. In the Arena Mode, you’re on your own with the Hero you selected to beat the Legendary Mob. The Adventure Mode asks you to defeat some of the strongest bosses in Avalon Heroes, with help of up to eight friends. The Plaza Mode is the place to relax, chat with your friends, create or join a guild and improve your equipment while getting prepared for the next battle.
However, the Scenario Mode is one of the great attractions of Avalon Heroes. Discover what’s behind the legend of the factions Oriens and Aeonia, collecting all the Heroes available and becoming a master strategist. This is a game where you can find some eSports fans and features plenty of game modes, exciting battles and heroes.

Now game is closed...

The Field Of Justice

The Field Of Justice
Have you ever played a MOBA game, or do you even not know what  MOBA game is ? MOBA means Multiplayer Online Battle Arena. As you can understand  from the definition this game type lets you play as a team with internet connection. Nowadays there are a lot of MOBA games and they are really popular.

People of all ages  from all countries play games with passion. The most important parts of MOBA games are strategy and team play. You have to move as a team. In this article I will mention League of Legends which has been the most played MOBA game for 2 years.

League of Legends is developed and published by Riot Games.
The game was first announced on October 7, 2008, and released on October 27, 2009. In League of Legends players assume the role of a character, called a ”champion”  with unique abilities, battling with a team against other player or computer-controlled champions. Each team’s goal is to destroy other team’s base, called “nexus”.The game contains 9 different server options  for each player(Brazil, EU-Nordic & East, EU West, Latin America North, Latin America South, North America, Oceania, Russia, Turkey). Every player controls a champion. As 16th of November 2014 there are 121 different champions.

 The map is divided into 3 different lanes (Top, Mid, Bottom) and jungle (the area between lanes). In these lanes players have different roles.
Top Lane: Players try to pick tanky champions who can keep the damage on itself and stay much longer alive.

 Mid Lane: In this lane, players mostly prefer Ability Power Carry champions who can deal damage as ability power with abilities. But they can also pick Attack Damage champions too. It depends on what player wants to play.

 Bottom Lane: Bottom lane includes two different roles(Attack Damage Carry, Support).
For Attack Damage Carry role, players use the ranged champions who can deal physical damage.
For Support role, players try to pick the support champion who can help much better to their AD carries.
ungle: It is the most flexible role in League of Legends. Players pick whatever they want. But in these days players mostly pick assasin champions or tanky champions for this role.

No matter what your champion or role is, the strategical battle arena is waiting for you. Step into the arena now and take part in the combats filled with fast paced game sessions!

10 Ocak 2015 Cumartesi


Tome: Immortal Arena is a action-oriented MOBA from KIXEYE. The key idea behind Tome is to streamline the typical mechanics of the MOBA genre to create matches that are shorter and more exciting.
Players select from an ever-growing roster of Guardians that fall under categories like Creation, Air, Water, Fire, Earth, and Death. At the selection screen, the role a player wants to fill, such as Slayer or Tank, can be selected. There is also a free rotation of Guardians with the option to purchase more available.
The most striking feature of Tome is that the game’s mechanics are streamlined. Players do not have to go back to their base to buy items. Abilities are tied to cooldowns, even on some of the mage classes. Stats, such as might, must be bought with gold in addition to items. The main goal of destroying the opposing team’s main structure is also present here, however in the 3v3 map, the structure that must be defeated is also a tower that will continually defend itself and the map is quite small, so action is at the forefront.

Free MOBA Games 2014 STRIFE

Strife is a free-to-play MOBA by S2 Games that takes what you already know about the fantasy MOBA universe and introduces a handful of new friction reducing concepts. With a hero selection that is over-the-top, aesthetically loud, and a significant amount smaller than most, Strife appears to take itself less seriously than the usual competitive MOBA, creating a more relaxed and casual gaming atmosphere.
The main vein of Strife’s influence is reducing player toxicity, with methods that make support roles more clear and simple. A gold share system that eliminates the race-to-last-hit makes playing as the help a little more self-explanatory and easy, while elements such as health regeneration reduce the likelihood of rage quitters and propose a strategy that is unique to the genre.
Players are also given the option of collecting pets that evolve, which have their own list of abilities, and simultaneously grant passive buffs for their hero. This alongside a crafting system that exists strictly outside of the arena gives the player a few game play options other than just continually jumping into battles.
Strife will also employ a “karma” based policing system, enabling players to punish negative behavior, furthering it’s efforts to keep this MOBA as team oriented as possible.


SmashMuck Champions is a free to play 3D arena combat game that combines action, skill and strategy. Players build and manage their own SmashMuck teams, customizing and training their fighters and then sending them into battle.
Players have a huge variety of champions to choose from. Each match features up to ten players in one of four unique Game Types. Combat is fast-paced and easy to learn, with tons of unique skills, weapons and attacks for players to master.
SmashMuck Champions feature four games modes: Plunder Ball (Capture the flag), Seige (Tower Defense), Conquest (Point Control Capture), and Destroyer (Resource Combat).

Free MOBA Games 2014 PRIME WORLD

Prime World is free-to-play MOBA with an interesting overworld progression system. Players choose from over a dozen different characters and customize them, picking from hundreds of different shared and unique talents. Talents are permanent and allow you to customize your hero to your playstyle. Talents and abilities are acquired by spending “Prime”, which you earn in battle by defeating enemy hereos and minions. Players can compete in multiple different arenas, including Outpost, Dragonwald, Homeland, and Borderlands
Outside of battle, Prime World offers a castle-building progression system, in which players trade time for resources, similar to many brower-style RPGs. With the resources these castles produce, players are able to craft new talents that can be used to prepare their heroes for future battles.
Prime World also will allow players to sign-in using their information from social networking sites, to allow for more social gameplay and to access special in-game acheivements.

Free MOBA Games 2014 PANZAR

Panzar is a free to play CryEngine 3 powered team-based MMO developed by Panzar Studios. In Panzar players can choose from one of 8 different classes, each with their own unique abilities and combat styles. The available classes include Beserker and Tank for the Orcs, Paladin and Inquisitor for the Humans, Sorceress and Witch for the Elves, and finally Sapper and Gunner for the Dwarves. Some classes, like the Berserker, are suited for close combat, whereas others, like the Paladin, are intended for a support role. Characters are upgraded through new skills and abilities earned by leveling up. Experience is awarded for participation, such as dealing damage, getting kills, and completing objectives, with bonus experience awarded to the victors of each match.
Combat in Panzar is free-targeting, with damage based on the angle of attack. Players use the left mouse button for auto-attacks, and the right mouse button for power attacks. Using power attacks deals massive damage but drains your power bar, limiting usage. The power bar can be restored through certain abilities, or by waiting for it to refill naturally. Spells and abilities are cast using mana or action points, with the latter being earned through gameplay. Blocking is acheived with the control key, but the damage prevented is based on the angle of the incoming attack.
Panzar offers 4 different game modes, with unique maps for each. The game modes include Domination, in which players fight for control over a single point, King of the Hill, where players try to hold a point and defend it using various traps and barriers, Siege, where one team attacks multiple control points while the other team defends, and Meteor, where players search for an object and attempt to bring it to the enemy base.


Magicka: Wizard Wars is a fast paced action PvP game that utilizes and dynamic spellcasting system of Magicka, tasking players to form teams of four and blaze their way across the battlefield together, combining the elements to cast hundreds of different spells, to generate a broad variety of offensive and defensive effects. Each player can design a persistent and personalized wizard with hundreds of unique items.
Wizard Wars is a team-based PvP game, filled with humor, including the ability to “accidentally” kill your teammates. With short rounds and unpredictable strategies, Wizard Wars gives both novice players and experienced MOBA veterans a unique experience in every encounter.


Heroes of the Storm is a fast-paced MOBA from Blizzard Entertainment which pits heroes (and villains) from each of the studio’s iconic universes against each other in several objective oriented maps. Unlike other MOBA’s, HoTS forgoes items and traditional ability progression, in favor of passive augmentations to their abilities which players can choose from at set level intervals.
Before each match, players will select a hero from one of four archetypes available. Based on the player’s choice, Heroes of the Storm will attempt to match players with other teamate’s whose heroes compliment the team’s composition. Heroes of the Storm offers several highly thematic maps, each with their own main objective teams will want to compete over. These objectives range from collecting doubloons used to bribe a ghost pirate ship into bombarding the enemy’s base, or capturing shrines in order to become an imposing Dragon Knight capable of punting enemies afar and leveling entire towers with a few swings of his axe. Regardless of the map, these objectives are crucial to ensuring a team’s victory, forcing teamfights on a regular basis.
In Heroes of the Storm players share experience earned with their entire team. With the removal of items, players diversify their playstyle’s by choosing special passive -and sometimes active- talents which are available every few levels. These talents do more than simply add damage to an ability, but may also add new effects, changing an abilities behavior and even utility. At level 6, a player may choose between two heroic abilities (ultimates) which give the player the ability to select one which best suits his team’s current needs.
During a match, players may also procure the aid of special mercenary camps, which when captured aid the team by providing additional pushing power and unique auras. Completed matches earn players coins which can be used to purchase new heroes in-game.

Free MOBA Games 2014 DOTA 2

Dota 2 is a 3D MOBA published by Valve. The official remake of the original Dota mod, Dota 2 brings over 100 original heroes from the original. Each game of Dota 2 pits 5 players versus 5 other players in head to head PvP action! Players can choose participate in practice matches versus bots, engage in friendly matches with friends, or form a clan and compete against other teams.
In Dota 2 players choose a hero to enter battle with. Once in game, players must work together to level up and defeat the enemy teams base by destroying it. To do this players must kill the enemy teams “minions” which spawn in waves throughout the entire game. These minions drop gold which players can then use to purchase items in order to become stronger.
At the end of each match whether your team wins or looses, random players are awarded items which they can use to customize the appearance of their favorite heroes!

Free MOBA Games 2014 DEADBREED

Deadbreed is a self proclaimed “creepy-themed” 3v3 MOBA with a heavy emphasis on hero customization through RPG-like mechanics. Equipped items are visible on the heroes that wear them and have a distinct effect on the heroes overall fighting style. Players may choose to wield a 2-handed staff and deal magical damage from afar, or take two 1-handed axes into battle for a more up close and personal approach. This flexibility allows players to take a fragile mage and turn them into a frontline bruiser who still posses the benefits of magic.
Three distinct factions exist in Deadbreed, including the Day, Night, and Half-Breeds. Maps in Deadbreed contain full day and night cycles which influence a breed’s abilities depending on what time of day it is.
Some hero abilities are fueled by one of three special resources which spawn in fixed locations around the map. These resources are relatively rare and players will need to fight over them in order to reach their heroes full potential. Some resources are even used to summon special creatures to fight for players, including a giant troll.
Deadbreed maps contain special dungeons which posses chests of gold guarded by the undead. Similar to a jungle, these areas are best suited for players looking to grab a bit of extra cash in between minion waves. Once players have pushed their way past the enemies defensive monoliths, they may break into their Crux where they will need to fight the enemies Sentinel, a monstrous creature which serves as the end-game boss battle needed to secure victory. There are several Sentinels which players can choose to pledge themselves too in order to permanently grow the Sentinels power, making it harder to take down in subsequent matches.


Dead Island Epidemic is a fast-paced action MOBA taking place in a world infested with a zombie out-break, leaving those stuck in the chaos to scavenge for supplies, craft their own gear, and fight for survival. Players can choose from three types of survivors including mutated survivors who posses special “zombie” abilities and use their bodies as weapons. DIE currently features 2 main game modes, Scavenge and Horde.
The core mode of Dead Island Epidemic, Scavenge, pits 3 teams of 4 against one another, challenging them to obtain supplies by capturing and successfully defending key supply points on the map, or by tackling large boss-like zombies which appear around the map.
A successful supply run can only be accomplished by clearing out infected areas as a team. Solo players may often find themselves overwhelmed by incoming zombie packs and must make sure not to find themselves caught between the enemy and the undead.
Similar to Stunlock Studios other titled, Bloodline Champions, players will control their survivor using the WASD keys while aiming their swappable melee and ranged weapons using the mouse. In addition to light and heavy attacks, players also have their own special abilities which they can level up during the match.
Similar to the original Dead Island titles, players in Epdemic can craft their own weapons by collecting blueprints and scrap pieces randomly awarded after each match. These weapons have their own stats and can level up with use, opening up new passives for the weapon.

Free MOBA Games 2014 DAWNGATE

Dawngate is a MOBA from Waystone Games in which players control Shapers, unique and powerful beings who have access to a variety of abilities and up to 3 additional spells players can choose from during the match. Dawngate retains many similarities to other MOBAs, but differentiates itself by having just two lanes, respawning towers, upgrading minions, and resource objectives called spirit wells which can generate extra income for your team.
Players can also choose a role before the match begins which provides them extra currency based on their desired role objectives (support,jungler,assassin,brawler). The MOBA also allows players to choose a perk which are customizable and can give players stat increases or even special passives.


Chaos Heroes Online is a MOBA based on one of the original DoTA mods, Dota: Chaos. The game features a familiar 3-lane map, but incorporates new mechanics geared towards pushing the focus towards fast paced action. A jungle is present, however minions found within are fairly basic and only provide gold. In order to lead a team to victory, players will need to destroy the opposing teams towers and base structures, leaving their special Guardian vulnerable to attack.
Each lane is guarded by towers (which regenerate over time) as well as Sentinels, which require coordinated efforts to defeat. At the start of each lane, two Barracks provide a steady stream of both ranged and melee soldiers (creeps). Like the original DoTA and DoTA 2, destroying these buildings will prevent the respective minion type from spawning.
A unique feature present in CHO is the teleport. Acting as an emergency “get out of jail free” card, the teleport instantly provides invincibility to the player as they teleport safely back to home base. While the ability does have a moderate cooldown, it does add a new element ofstrategy to each encounter. Players can also buy items and consumables from anywhere on the map, keeping the focus out in the field. Matches are also capped at around 45 minutes, which in theory should urge players to go for high-risk plays to put the match away before the timer runs out.
There is the usual free rotation of heroes, with cash shop purchases also available. Like other MOBAs, each hero is separated into distinct classes which include carries, support, casters, tanks, and fighters. Heroes are also grouped between the Divine Union and Immortal Legion and each hero is restricted to being used only within the appropriate faction.
As players progress, they will be able to craft and upgrade items which can be obtained during matches, as random rewards and events, or through the cash shop. Items can have different rarities and bonuses and it’s up to the player to tailor items to their hero and play style. Players are also be able to take on quests with varying rewards. In order to help players try out the full roster, after each time a player’s account levels up, a new hero will be free to use for three days.


Bloodline Champions is a free to play 3D arena-based PvP MMO game published by Funcom, and has been compared to Defense of the Ancients and World of Warcraft Arena. But instead of relying on killing creeps or grinding for the best set of gear, Bloodlines is a more skill-based game.
Critical hits and passive buffs don’t exist, healing and damage spells need to be manually aimed with a deft touch, and teamwork matters more than ever. Bloodline Champions is a player vs. player arena game where players engage in short, intense battles of up to ten players divided into two teams. Each player must take control over one of several different bloodlines, each with their own unique weapons and abilities. Easy to learn, challenging to master.
Different maps and game modes need different tactics, and good teamwork is important. Spells travel towards where the player aim their mouse cursor, and can be avoided by enemy players, making every ability dependent on individual player skill. There is no mana and the cooldowns are short, ensuring that every match is full of intense, adrenaline-filled action.



Arena: Cyber Evolution (ACE) is a physics-based sports game which combines elements of the popular MOBA genre, with gameplay similar to ice-hokey. Developed by Spearhead Games, ACE pits two teams of three super-powered sports figures against each other in a bid to score goals for their team. To do this, each hero may pass, shoot, intercept and juke with the puck using intuitive controls and special abilities.
Similar to heroes in other MOBA games, each character in ACE comes equipped with their own stats and two main abilities. Some characters are better suited at speeding across the map using personal boosts to score a goal, while other slower characters are better suited as support; disrupting the opposing team’s hold of the puck by blowing it out of their grasp, or by acting as a goalie, catching incoming pucks with several defensive abilities. However, players may only use a character’s “ultimate” ability a few times each match, making the positioning and timing of the ultimate critical.
Arena: Cyber Evolution features dynamic map events which augment the game’s physics by adding obstacles; including directional wind currents, reflective walls, pitfalls and even a frozen map surface. Each of these presents new challenges for teams to adapt to as they all change how both the player’s character, and the puck behave on the field. In the future, Spearhead Games hopes to give control of these events over to spectators watching the current match, making each game truly unpredictable.
Outside of each match, players can further refine their play style with each character using unlocked implants; providing team boosts, personal upgrades and additional special abilities to choose from.