7 Şubat 2015 Cumartesi

An Ode to Game of Thrones 5th Season Trailer


Many devoted fans have already seen the official trailer of Game of Thrones Season 5. According to what I've read so far, most of them are disappointed, claiming that the new season will be dull. I, not being able to understand how they've come up with this idea only through a 2-minute trailer, have decided to discuss the details of the specific trailer.

In the very first scene, we're faced with Tywin Lanniser's coffin with Jamie standing next to it and we hear "nothing is more hateful than failing to protect the one you love."  Despite being not quite sure, I assume the voice belongs to Brienne. The tone fits her so much, however, I can't necessarily predict why she would say such a sentence. In this brief scene, we see that Cercei and Jamie look at each other with anger and somewhat hatred. As you may remember, the 4th season has started with Eddard "Ned" Stark's Valyrian sword's being melted down. If we take it as a symbol of the downfall of the House Stark, we may as well say that the funeral of Tywin signifies the downfall of the House Lannister. 

Then we see Lord Baelish, holding Sansa tightly. "There's no justice in this world. Not unless we make it." It's quite noteworthy that Baelish has abandoned "his" game and started "their" game with Sansa. Apparently, we'll witness Sansa's transformation into a powerful and a tricky Heir to the throne who knows the rules of the game. And Lord Baelish says "Avenge them!" to Sansa, which, I think, shows that he's persuading her to play along with him. I think it's his plan to rule the North through Sansa. Will they get married? Who knows...

We see Tommen and Margaery very briefly in the next scene. It's probably a wedding scene. As we all know, Margaery is highly ambitious to be "the" queen. Her ambition and Cercei's ambition will juxtapose in this season.

And then comes the most awaited man. Listening to Varys, Tyrion seems to look quite miserable in terms of appearance. However in this scene, there are two significant pieces of information: 
1- When Lord Varys suggests helping a possible heir to get the throne, we see Jon Snow, who's now the Lord Commander of the Night Watch. 
2- When Tyrion mentions a possible "male" heir, Lord Varys eliminates the idea of a man, strongly emphasizing the presence of a woman. It's Daenerys, of course.

Speaking of Daenerys, being my least favourite character, she still claims that she'll break the wheel and blah blah blah. I see no point in why she keeps travelling around while she can obviously conquer the King's Landing now that Tywin is dead and a child is on the throne. She's still boasting about the things she'll do. 

And then Melisandre comes, for the night is dark and full of dangers. She's, like Daenerys, doing the best thing she knows - burning things / people and there's a huge fire in that particular scene. I have no prediction as to what/who she burns again, however, in the 4th season, she said she'd need Stannis's daughter to initiate some kind of a ritual. It's certain that there are some filthy things going on there.

In the following scene, we see Olenna Tyrell. I can safely say that she's one of my favourite characters. She's witty, she's edgy and she's got balls of steel! However, she looks rather distressed in the specific scene. She's talking about a person whose bones will never be found but exactly who is she talking about? And then very briefly we see a mask which I think resembles Olenna herself. I hope she doesn't die in this season. Margaery will need her a lot in her power war against Cercei. 

Then, we see Arya Stark. She's now in Braavos and has left Hound behind to an unknown fate. (I don't think he's dead.) She's right in front of the Black and White House where she'll be blind. I don't know what's up with House Stark -seriously! One is crippled, and the other is going to be blind... But she's taking her "Needle" out of water, which means that she's going to hide it although she is going to get rid of every other possession of hers.

Then a mixture of brief scene comes up; war, love, marauding, Dorne. At the end of these scenes, we see Daenery's pyramid in which she rules and the huge statue is coming down so very fast. What does this statue symbolize? The downfall of Daenerys? Or the downfall or the rising of the houses in general? Unfortunately, we'll still have to wait to find the answers. Fortunately, the answers can be found once the calender shows 12.04.2015. 

Valar Morghulis!

21 Ocak 2015 Çarşamba


...Or in other words, the best show ever!

Everyone, regardless of their age, knows at least something about "Friends." Either they have watched it or they know that Jennifer Aniston is in it. However, there are many elements that contributed to "Friends" and made it the best show ever. There must be a reason why people still continue watching it after being released 20 years ago, after all!

1. The Characters
Everyone can relate to the character at some point as well as hating them at some point, too! All the characters have flaws and perfections as we all do in our real lives. If you ask people which "Friends" character is their favourite, they will probably take a few seconds to think about it or they won't be able to choose one  -they'll go back and forth.

2. The Real Life Problems
Although it is an American production, the problems the characters face are universal. Yes, the humor has always been there but the drama and the conflicts are the elements we cannot underestimate.

3. The Story Line
If, even in the tenth season, we can be curious about Ross and Rachel, then it means story line is flawless. Plus, although there is a key drama in each episode, there are minor conflicts, as well, which keep each episode dynamic and alive. That is the reason why we keep watching "Friends" over and over again!

4. Coming of Age
Don't you feel like you've grown up with the characters? Didn't you get excited while Monica and Chandler was getting married? Didn't we all feel like the characters are our real friends? That's the "coming of age together" feeling!

5. The Stars
Guest stars, of course! This show did not make only the major characters famous, but it also hosted some of the greatest stars such as Robin Williams, Bruce Willis, Sean Penn, Julia Roberts, Brad Pitt and many more. 

>> Bonus: The Quotes

Don't deny that you know every famous and important line by heart!

15 Ocak 2015 Perşembe

10 Signs That You're a Crazy Cat Person

1. Your cat has become your alarm clock.

That breakfast ain't gonna prepare itself!

2. You never close the doors at your home. NEVER!

Because there is a reason why people say "curiosity kills the cat."

3. Hair. Hair everywhere!

No matter how much you clean....

4. Your house is full of boxes. Because they're your cat's favourite!

If they fits, they sits.

5. There's no such thing as "working at home."

Or being alone.

6. Your phone is full of cat photos.

...and you just don't SHUT UP when it comes to talking about cats.

7. You have very logical conversations with your cat.

Of course, they understand us!

8. You can't be disgusted easily. 

Two words: Litter box.

9. You can't sleep unless your cat is next to you.

You wouldn't want it the other way, anyways.

10. The best spots at home belong to your cat!

Because they aren't your cat. You're their human.